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Chile's proposal sweeps and will host the WSA 2024 Global Congress in FRUTILLAR

In the framework of the WSA 2023 Congress held in Puebla, Mexico, it was announced that Chile has been chosen as the host country for the "Impact Startups World Cup" (innovative solutions that solve SDG problems). The event was confirmed for April 2024 in Frutillar, Región de los Lagos.

"Now we have a surprise...", Peter Bruck, Chairman of WSA Global, began announcing at the closing of the event, to give way to the announcement of Chile as the host country for 2024. The news was received with great enthusiasm and applause from the attendees, who recognized Chile's leadership and commitment in the field of technology, innovation and sustainability.

Chile presented an exceptional proposal, involving a consortium of multi-stakeholder partners that guarantees a lasting impact on the local ecosystem. The WSA Global Congress will come to Chile for the first time and will be a turning point for both WSA and WSA's national activities in Chile.

Nora Wolloch, WSA Executive Director.

The proposal submitted by the Chilean team highlighted the growth of the country's digital ecosystem and its dedication to fostering inclusion and creativity in innovation, technology and sustainability. Chile's vision for the WSA 2024 Global Congress captivated the evaluators and demonstrated the country's commitment to promoting local talent.

The fact that this proposal has been led by those who forged the last decade of entrepreneurship in Chile and its unanimous acceptance, proves the quality of work we have as WSA Chile. Our passion for taking the Chilean flag to the world and the deep understanding of global guidelines were key to forge development strategies that give international visibility to our country.

Carolina Rossi, General Coordinator of WSA Chile.

With this election, Chile was able to position technology and environmental sustainability as fundamental pillars of our country and specifically of the Lakes Region. "The vision of sustainable and inclusive development that we have worked on in the Lakes Region is strengthened with this type of initiative. We were the first to support the proposal to host the event, due to the impact it will have on the innovation ecosystem and entrepreneurship, with the visit of entrepreneurs who have lived the experience worldwide," said Patricio Vallespín, governor of the Lakes Region, who will receive the international delegations.

"We achieved something unprecedented for this type of event, something that is in our DNA as Chileans, to come together to be more. In this sense, various actors in the ecosystem, both public and private, including ProChile, Sernatur and the Regional Government of Los Lagos, Teatro el Lago, Socialab, Ketrawa and BCI bank, among others, contributed to Chile winning this award.

Sebastián Díaz of the Chilean team and former CEO of Start-Up Chile

The selection of Chile as the host of the WSA 2024 Global Congress is a recognition of the country's hard work and dedication to promote innovation and sustainable technological development. This event will not only provide a unique opportunity to showcase Chile's digital talent and solutions internationally, but will also foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among experts from around the world based in the Los Lagos Region.

We have the opportunity to showcase the talent that exists in our region, connecting it globally with world leaders who promote sustainable development goals.

María José Urrutia, Co-founder of Këtrawa Lab and regional partner of the organization. 

The WSA Global Congress is a world-renowned event that brings together leaders, innovators and experts in the field of technology and digital transformation linked to the SDGs. During the congress, the best digital solutions from around the world are awarded and exhibited in various categories, including education, government, health, culture and environment. In this regard, on July 12, the organization will officially open the applications for national solutions that solve problems related to the SDGs through technology, can apply to compete in the global congress. 

To achieve that goal, more private companies as sponsors within the next few weeks. "The congress is expected to be a milestone in Chile's history and mark the beginning of a new era of Chilean leadership in the field of technology, innovation and sustainability, with a strong focus on decentralization," concluded Matías Rojas, of the Chilean team and founding partner of Socialab.